
Welcome to Otterburn Gym
(part of the RTC Sports Centre in Otterburn).

Gym Opening

Following the recent Government announcement, gyms will be allowed to open from 12th April 2021. To use the gym, members will need to follow the strict guidellines for gym use, which is set out in the regular email sent to active members. All sessions need to be pre-booked.

To book your session, please go to 'Book a session'  where you can also access the current rules for using the gym and manage your membsership.

Members will be notified by email when any changes to this situation occur. The access code to the gym will be changed on a regular basis and this will also be notified to members by email.

You can also keep up to date with other activities at RTC via the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RTCOTTERBURN

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